EAS FC Catalogue houses hundreds of different in-game unlockable items that help improve your FIFA experience. Find out how it works and what is new in EAS FC Catalogue for FIFA 16 Coins in this complete guide.
EA Sports Football Club is FIFA’s social network. It the heartbeat of FIFA and it becomes more connected and more social.
It connects you to all of your FIFA friends and shares your successes and accomplishments with them via an in-game news and alerts feed. The ability to send gifts or messages to them is back as well as the ability to go directly to different areas of the game directly from the news and alerts feed. This means that everyone is connected to friends in FIFA like never before. It also tracks progress through the game by awarding you with XP and Football Club Credits, which allow you to redeem hundreds of in-game un-lockable items to enhance your FIFA experience.
The EA Sports Football Club experience doesn’t just start and end on your console. When you’re not playing the game, you have the ability to stay connected to all of your friends FIFA activity on the EA Sports Football Club companion app and on the EA Sports Football Club website. This means your FIFA experience can stay with you wherever they are.
Now that you already know what is the EA Sports Football Club, we will focus on the EAS FC Catalogue. It is a kind of store where you can trade the FCC (Football Club Credits) earned with hundreds of items.
The EAS FC Catalogue houses hundreds of different in-game unlockable items that help improve your FIFA experience. Your EA Sports Football Club Level determines which ones are available for you to redeem. As a Level 20 gamer, you’ll only have access to items categorized from Level 1 to 20. So, the more you play and level up will give you access to more unlockable items. Use the FCC you’ve earned through your play to redeem the items for use. Items include things like goal celebrations, historic kits, extra matches in Seasons and coin boosts in Ultimate Team.
The EAS FC Catalogue was initially created for FIFA 13 Ultimate Team. It was the way that EA found to reward you by your FIFA time play. Until there, your progression could be tracked by your level XP but it was useless. With the addiction of EAS FC Catalogue, you have more reasons to play the game because your efforts are rewarded with unlockable items.
In FIFA 14 the biggest addition to the EAS FC Catalogue was the feature that allows you to send gifts to friends. But things did not go well. EA Sports have disabled the most popular and most wanted item of the EAS FC catalogue, the FUT Coin Reward Boosts, because thousands of players have exploited a glitch that allow them to earn much more coins than it was supposed to give. The item was unavailable for five months, between October 2013 and February 2014.
The biggest addition of last year was probably the loan players item that gives you the chance to try top players in your Ultimate Team squad. FIFA 16 points boost were back again but without the feature to send gifts.
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